Hair Loss in Women
Losing hair can be extremely debilitating. It affects the physical and mental health of many patients who are trying desperately to find some answers.
There are thousands of businesses trying to sell you a product, making you believe the reason for your hair loss is the lack of the newest technology in red light therapy, their new shampoo, or even an oral supplement containing the most natural herbs for hair regrowth and repair.
1. Nutritional Deficiencies
Simply by not having enough iron in your body, you can start losing hair. It is important to assess your body’s status of the following vitamins and minerals as they could be the reason behind so much hair in your shower every day. These nutrients include iron, zinc, biotin, and folate (but there are others).
If excess DHT and testosterone are the main cause of your hair loss, you will see thinning of the hair affecting the hairline and top (crown) of the head.
3. Stress
A major stress event can cause massive hair loss. Typically, the hair loss occurs six months after the event. Chronically elevated cortisol levels have profound negative effects on the body. Not everyone with high cortisol will see a decrease in hair density; however, with the wrong genes, cortisol can trigger hair loss.
1. Nutritional Deficiencies
If you have any nutritional deficiencies, such as iron, zinc, or biotin, the solution is simple: you need to replenish the nutrient with supplementation. However, let’s say, for example, you had an iron deficiency. Doing a 3-month intervention of iron supplementation will fix the deficiency but only temporarily. You need to ask yourself, “Why did I become anemic in the first place?”
The answers could be many: a diet lacking iron-rich foods, heavy menstrual losses, or poor absorption of iron due to gut malfunction. It is essential to fix the underlying issue at the same time; otherwise, after stopping the iron supplementation, you will fall back into anemia in a few months.
2. High Levels of Androgens (DHT and Testosterone)
There are two main herbs highly indicated: Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root. These herbs prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Reducing DHT will help mitigate hair loss. They are natural 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.
3. Stress
If stress was the major issue, it is important to pay attention to the adrenals and your nervous system. In my clinical experience, most patients in this category have been running on adrenaline for too long, which has affected their sleep quality and quantity. I like to use a combination of nutrients and herbs to allow their nervous system to go into rest and digest mode.
I use taurine, glycine, magnesium, L-theanine, and passionflower to induce sleep before bedtime. During the day, I prefer to use B vitamins in combination with adaptogenic herbs such as Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola, or Bacopa to generate sustained levels of energy without causing stress.
The Bottom Line
It will take time. None of these solutions are a quick and easy fix. Once you have identified the root cause of your hair loss, you will need 6 months of treatment to start seeing results. The first sign that you are moving in the right direction will be less hair falling in the shower. A few months later, you may notice small, fine, and thin hairs beginning to appear in the affected areas. These new hairs might be lighter in color and texture.
Don’t believe anyone on the internet telling you they have the solution for your hair loss regardless of your personal circumstances. You need to do a bit of work to identify what went wrong and how to make the personalized changes to fix it. Then you can spend money on a supplement or herb to deal with the actual issue.
If you find the problem too overwhelming and want some guidance, it is important to find a good health professional who is willing to ask all the right questions and help you find the answers.
Book a 15-minute free discovery call following this link to start working with me.